Christs Hospital School Mechanical Installation for New Catering Facility, Horsham
Christs Hospital School is one of the oldest boarding schools in England. It’s sits outside Horsham
in 1200 acres of countryside and contains many listed building. The project involved the demolition
of a derelict kitchen block and the installation of new state of the Art facilities to provide about 3,000
meals a day for 870 pupils and staff.
A key aspiration of the project was to provide views into the working kitchen, to gives pupils an
insight into how cooking works in a commercial environment.
MEP Design Strategy
We created a New Mechanical installation for a high end catering facility including 2 specialist
classrooms. In addition to installing new facilities we had to work within the following constraints.
• Mechanical and Electrical supplies to be maintained throughout the construction process.
• The utilisation of a Grade 1 listed water tower as a natural ventilation air path for a new servery
and the existing dining hall. This required new openings at the base of the tower. We carefully
integrated actuated dampers, behind grilles, into the mechanical ventilation plant for the kitchen.
This was crucial for the scheme to work efficiently.
• Sensitivity to the environment and the safety of pupils and staff.